Months of diligent practice and preparation came to a head with Tasmonic's participation in the 2022 Barbershop Harmony NZ 2022 convention where Tasmonics achieved a silver medal in the small chorus section of the competition.
The standard of performances from choruses and quartets from around the country was spectacular - and at times utterly breathtaking.
The judges were highly complimentary of our rich full sound for a small chorus, and gave us a number of helpful suggestions on how we can further enhance our performances as a group. An event like this is invigorating and inspiring.
Wow - what a weekend!
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"Men in Accord" are now "Tasmonics"
Date Posted: Fri, 24 Jan 2020
In September 2019 we changed from being a men's chorus to being a mixed chorus. In January 2020 our name was changed from "Men in Accord" to "Tasmonics".